搭載 jBpm2.0 的 JBoss 版本為 3.2.3。
若欲將 jBpm2.0 Deploy 至 JBoss3.2.6 下,則需修改配置的設定。
將 {jbpm.home}/build.xml 新增底下內容:
在 ${jbpm.home} 目錄下, 執行 ‘ant configure.jboss.3.2.6+’.
再依 jBpm “Getting Started” 的 “Installation” 的步驟即可順利地執行內建的範例:
start the jbpm configuration of jboss with ‘%JBOSS_HOME%/bin/run.bat -c jbpm’.
in directory ${jbpm.home}/web run ‘ant deploy’. This will build and deploy the web application to the jboss configuration that we’ve just created. - in directory ${jbpm.home}/web run ‘ant deploy.process.archives’. This deploys the demo payraise process to the jbpm database in jboss. Since this is normally your first jbpm access to the database, this will also create the jbpm tables automatically.
- surf to http://localhost:8080/jbpm